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Writer's pictureAshley


You guys, I had a mini breakthrough the other day.

I was listening to this video: (which is an awesome way to start off your day)

About in the middle, it says "Don't affirm it as 'I'm trying', 'I want to', 'I wish'... I AM. Every single day. I AM is the creative force of the universe. Whatever you attach I AM to, you will become."

I heard that and I thought.... I AM. Of course I AM is the creative force of the universe. I AM is Jesus Christ.

John 8:58.

"Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am."

Exodus 3:14

"And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you."

Several years ago, I was reading through the scriptures and that phrase "I am" caught my attention. Especially in the Old Testament, "I am" is used as a name for Jehovah. It's beautiful to see how much power is in the name and the fact that Jesus Christ IS who he says he is.

John 18:3-6

"Judas then, having received a band of men and officers from the chief priests and Pharisees, cometh thither with lanterns and torches and weapons.

4 Jesus therefore, knowing all things that should come upon him, went forth, and said unto them, Whom seek ye?

5 They answered him, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus saith unto them, I am he. And Judas also, which betrayed him, stood with them.

6 As soon then as he had said unto them, I am he, they went backward, and fell to the ground."

Even as he acknowledges that he is the great I AM, the power of this statement causes the soldiers to fall to the ground.

Jesus Christ is light, He is truth, He is love, He is courage, compassion, strength, joy, peace, hope, confidence, trust, faith, success, forgiveness. Every positive attribute that we strive for in this life, he has already attained.

So, going back to that first statement from the video: "Whatever you attach I AM to, you become." Whatever I attach Jesus Christ to, I become. Whatever efforts I make, no matter how imperfect or how clumsy, as long as He is with me they will be sanctified for my good.

I love this quote by Elder Holland:

"I am grateful to know that in spite of my imperfections, at least God is perfect—that at least He is, for example, able to love His enemies, because too often, due to the “natural man” and woman in us, you and I are sometimes that enemy. How grateful I am that at least God can bless those who despitefully use Him because, without wanting or intending to do so, we all despitefully use Him sometimes. I am grateful that God is merciful and a peacemaker because I need mercy and the world needs peace. Of course, all we say of the Father’s virtues we also say of His Only Begotten Son, who lived and died unto the same perfection."

So, let's take a look at a few of my motivational affirmations:

I AM beautiful.

I AM brave.

I AM bold.

I AM patient.

I AM successful.

I AM a good mother.

I AM a good wife.

I AM passionate.

I AM kind.

Although I may not be as close to these things as I wish, I know that HE IS. I can look at myself in the mirror and believe that I am beautiful and have worth beyond my physical appearance because I know that HE knows that. I can be a good mother because I know that HE will fill in the cracks as long as I am trying my best. I can be successful in my business and in my life because HE IS right next to me and helping me along.

"I can do all things through Christ who strenghens me."


"I can become all things through Christ who strengthens me."

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